15KL Stainless Steel Canola Oil Storage Tank
Stainless steel canola oil storage tank is designed for the safe and efficient storage of canola oil, often used in food processing and culinary applications.Often features a cylindrical shape for uniform pressure distribution and includes a dome top or flat lid for easy access.15,000liter (15KL) capacity tank would typically be used in industrial or commercial settings for storing large quantities of canola oil.
Product details
15KL Stainless Steel Canola Oil Storage Tank
15KL stainless steel canola oil storage tank is typically used for storing large quantities of canola oil in a food processing or manufacturing environment.
Specification for stainless steel canola oil storage tank as follows:
•Stainless steel 304/316L
• Conicaltopand conical bottom
• 1.5″Sample valve
•CIP – rotary spray ball
•2″Oil inlet
• 2’’Oil outlet and drain outlet assembly
• Fully welded cladding
•Side Oval manway, size for the manway is DN530mmx430mm
• 2″ Butterfly valves
• 2″ breather valve
•Ladder rack
• Bimetallic thermometer
• Magnetic flap level gauge.
With Insulation
With heating jacket
With control panel.